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Landscaping - Hard Freeze

Published: June 28, 2021

I am going to devote this first website column addressing the hard freeze we all experienced this past winter and how it affected our landscapes. There are a few plants that took the freeze worse than others. Hardest hit were Indian Hawthorne shrubs with many of our front landscape beds having had them planted as a hedge along our home’s foundations. Today they are still dead and dark brown on the top but if you look at the ground, they are coming up green from the bottom. The tops will never turn green, they have a hard frost burn on the leaves and branches that will not recover. Cut the Indian Hawthorne shrubs down to where you see green, and they should come back from there. A few of you have done this, everyone that has them should do this now if you haven’t unless you plan to pull them out and replace them. Click Full Story for more information

Lawler Park HOA

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